Meet Dr. Shallyn
It's not about me, it's about you and how can I serve you with the gifts God has provided me with over the past 20+ years in PT and Wellness. Though my education is the highest it can be within the physical therapy world (doctorate and fellowship training in orthopedic manual physical therapy), I have a heart to treat the whole person. I believe complete health is possible through mindset management, individualized nutrition based on personal blood type and genetics, and advanced physical therapy practice including extensive hands on care, dry needling, and specifically guided exercise for the individual. I round out my expertise with low impact practices for stable, functional movement (Pilates - Stott certified) and stress management and balance (Rehabilitative Tai Chi and QiGong with Balance Enhancement Specialist Training). I have a passion for paying my gifts forward and have mentored numerous doctoral interns, orthopedic residents and fellows-in-training along my career. I have a heart for reaching my neighbors for greater health and provide regular free educational events and inexpensive opportunities for weekly workouts together. For the more eager student/practitioner, I provide occasional workshops and continuing education courses. I look forward to the opportunity to serve you and collaborate on solving your orthopedic/wellness challenges.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD.
Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you.
Plans to give you hope and a future."
Jer 29:11